
Monday, 17 February 2014

Owh no...my USBMOD3 doesn't seem to be working.

To save cost I decided to buy a cheaper USBMOD3 in the internet through MUDAH.my. Yes, it is not new but it is still fully function although there are 2 pins which is considered broke. I just need to solder a new pin in the empty pin hole before I use it. Then I start to run test to make sure it is really worth it to buy a second hand device. Hehe =)

At home, after thousand times connect this USBMOD3 device to my PC, it still doesn't appear anything on screen such as "found new hardware" . Owh no! My USBMOD3 doesn't seem to be working. I want my money back!! =(

When I look at the internet, read all the review about this device, then I realise that in order to make the USBMOD3 to detect under any operating system we will need to connect some module pins to each other as mentioned in the datasheet. Otherwise the module will appear dead, this is because of the different powering options which can be used. Owh yes! =D

The pins which we need to connect to each other on the module are as follows. 

1) Connect EP (pin 9) to RSTO (pin 10)
2) Connect VIO (pin 12) to V+ (pin 13)
3) Set PCTL to low (connect to the device ground)

The schematic view

My USBMOD3 connection
At the end, I just want to say Alhamdulillah because my USBMOD3 is finally working!! (Save almost RM300) =D